Monthly Archives: March 2014

Comparing Gluten-free Diets To The Fat-free Diet Fad

More Similar Human Diets Signal Demise of Local Crops, Study Shows

Increasing reliance on a short list of staple crops could increase vulnerability to drought, pest threats

Add this to the constantly increasing sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) dosing of most processed foods, even those that aren’t sweet, and the real sources of obesity, heart disease and diabetes are in full view. In a nutshell, it’s processed foods , not wholesome, healthy fats, that are the source of many of our ills. Yet, the solution for the bogus fats-cause-bad-health dogma is — processed foods! Still, many cling to this half-century-established dogma, even after the Swedish medical community officially abandoned it and several cardiologists spoke out against it.
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The trend is not slowing, researchers say. “More people are consuming more calories, protein and fat, and they rely increasingly on a short list of major food crops,” said lead author Colin Khoury, a scientist at the Colombia-based International Center for Tropical Agriculture. Increasing reliance on a short list of staple crops could increase vulnerability to drought, pest threats Khoury explains the implications a limited diet can have on miracle garcinia cambogia diversity. Related: International Study Warns of Climate Effects on Ag Production To put everything in perspective, common crops like wheat, rice, maize and potato are major diet staples; wheat, for example, is a major staple in 97.4% of countries and rice in 90.8%. Soybean has become significant to 74.3% of countries.
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Forget celebrity fad diets and go with your gut instinct

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The average person pays little attention to such advice, especially when it changes as often as we change our shoes. Instead we wrestle with our food intake and stagger from diet to diet in the hope of becoming svelte but healthy. One of the most popular, the Atkins diet, consisted of high protein and low carbohydrate while derivatives of it recommended high protein, low carbohydrate, low fat. Imagine the horror then when it was announced just over a week ago that diets high in protein were as harmful as smoking for your health and increased the risk of dying from cancer. In fact, this was probably a fear-mongering, headline-grabbing tactic.
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